So Game Jam 8 is a wrap, folks, and team Crystal Egg were PK Rockin' all the way home.
If you're able, and willing to get on a boat that might already be sinking, then I'll be happy to have you aboard!
Hey, if good music (among others) can help salvage a sinking ship, let's do stuff!
Heh heh...
Anyways, so for the quarter of the competition we actually didn't have an artist, and we were all going to be subject to my wonderful pixel art.
Also, the game totally wasn't going to have jumping (Super Adventure Game Land much?)
Then TroisNyxEtienne found Hyptosis and both revealed their incredible ability to whip out great orchestral music and top notch art in a few hours.
Well, damn.
So I put in jumping.
This game went from a Boy named Cabin, to Baba Yaga sim 2012, to a fully animated moving cabin (with Baba Yaga riding on it, steering with a lollipop.)
And... Then this game happened.
Godammit Newgrounds, why is it every time I make a game, even with other people, it has to be about universal emotions?
So, hit up our entry:
And enjoy the Cabin Jam :D