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squidly's News

Posted by squidly - 3 weeks ago


The Pixel Underground Server is hosting its second ever PUG Fighter collab!

This collab is to make some cool ass fighting game character and put em in a character select screen. It's then hosted online for everyone to see! The only requirement is that you make a new OC for this event. It can be based on your sona or a previous OC.

You gotta make a

96x96 animated Idle

42x42 Char Select Icon

64x128 Portrait

Deadline is 2/23/2025 @ 11:59pm


Just have fun with this shit :D


Check out last year's

Anyways so...

Come join us and fuck around on the Pixel Underground Server!




Posted by squidly - October 1st, 2024

For those who are looking to brush up on or get into Pixel Art, the Pixel Underground is running the PUG24 challenge for the fifth year!

It's 24x24 pixel art for 24 days and we all have a blast just dicking around and seeing what we can do with those limits. It's a lot of fun every year so you should totes come and check it out!!!

Discord link here




Posted by squidly - July 19th, 2024

It's finally done!!!

I actually started this animation in January and decided to go all the way and finish it for Evo!

It was such a difficult effort remastering such an iconic scene, I was sure to take absolutely no artistic license whatsoever. Yea!



Posted by squidly - April 19th, 2024

Made over 3 days, it's been cleaned up for Newgrounds with Medals + Highscores and some tweaks like mouse controls


Go check it out!!!

And if you like the game, join the Pixel Underground Discord! All of the people who made the game hang out there. It's a cool place that believes in art for arts sake and making whatever you want cause' ya want to. It's a good time :D


Posted by squidly - March 28th, 2024

I'm late to the party but I'm User of the Day!!!


It took 6,250 days and a lot of weird flash animations/games but it finally happened :D

<3 <3 <3




Posted by squidly - August 18th, 2023


I wanted to post this way earlier but I've been so busy with stuff. Busy with what? Well!

Three things! First...



(Banner art by @QuoIsEternal, who also did the other art down below in the DTYIS section, with additional layout by @JDZombi)

Renaine has a pop-up shop! Until September 18th you can get limited edition stuff like a Chompy plush and your own Adoption Certificate. As expertly shown here by my boys @DrewPBalls and @SrPelo


But that's not all cause...

Renaine DTIYS Contest!!!

If you can't buy a Chompy and/or live outside the US, we're giving out an international shipping Chompy. All you gotta do is enter the Renaine Draw This In Your Style (DTIYS) Contest! The winner is randomly drawn, so everyone is welcome!

More details in this Tweet-err X-post err whatever yea check it out

**You can also post it on Newgrounds!** Just tag it in the Art Gallery with #Renaine and/or RenaineDTIYS

Would love to see people's takes on Renaine chars. I've worked on this game for 6 years so I know them inside and out, which is why seeing new takes would be awesome :D

All you gotta do is draw one of these chars in your own style!


Finally, and the best thing ever



I've converted my stream to a 24/7 ChompStream where you too can watch a live feed of Chompy sitting there on a pillow.

And you can pet them!!! Using channel points you can remotely pet the chompy from anywhere in the world!!! At higher pet counts Chompy gets more stuff. They already unlocked some buttons, a postcard, and a sticker! There's a big goal to even put a hat on them! You get bonus pets for following/subbing so be sure to tell your friends cause those follow bonuses really stack up (•﹏•)

(Note: Due to local Chompy Labor Laws, Chompy has to take a break every weekday night EST. Shortly after this post drops, I'm gonna start my normal weekdaily dev stream and the ChompStream will be paused. But they'll be back right after!)

Anyhow, that's a lottta Renaine stuff, but I really hope you guys have fun with it! It'd be so awesome to see people turn up whether to draw something or chompy something or pet something or pet something then draw something then chomp something or hell even buy something. This whole thing's been a ton of work to put together all so we can mess around and have fun :D

To sign off, rumor has it there's a Chompy (a flashy one given to @TomFulp) hidden in the NG office. Can you find them?



Posted by squidly - June 25th, 2023

Aight so TMG happened

I drove 5 1/2 hours on Thursday, and I was like "imma be cute we're gonna make Chompy do the livetweet" and quite literally 5 seconds after the we're off tweet I got a flat.

So 5 1/2 hours + 2 hours of roadside repair/tire repair later I was in this cute airbnb with this friendly elderly couple's home and their 2 dogs. I am slightly spooked by dogs (genetic, apparently) so that was... a surprise. Luckily they were the kind of dogs that bark real loud but are really small and snuggle up on you and slobber up your pant legs so we were good. I was also blessed in the room by this massive angelic mural so in case any of those sinful New Grounders tainted me with evil I would be cleansed the moment I returned to my room like a totk light root.


Hallelujah. There were also prayer books.


It seemed from coming nobody actually knew what was up. I hit up @Luis and he didn't know what was going on and was like hmu in the morning and I was like aight might as well reach out to the other peeps I knew from Pico Day 2019 and see if they know so I hit up @SrPelo the next morning and we wandered in the general direction of the office, then I hit up @TomFulp while I was at the Wawa next door and was like "hey Tom Fulp of New Grounds dot com me and the afro fella next to me are in the area" and he was like "yea come on in we're fixing the AC because tho we like to get hot and sweaty it's not hot and sweaty in that literal of a sense so it'd be a genuine pleasure to have you be in the office at this early Friday hour however I must first say that I do desire to shower so I do not appear before the New Grounds Masses being all hot and sweaty myself"

Yea anyways we showed up to the office.

I met @Spazkid for the first time after working on Fetal Fury together, he's coo' and we talked about the challenges of having side projects while you work on a big ass game for an eternity

I met @JohnnyUtah for all of five seconds but he's as cool as is online

I met @ivanalmighty (only person I'd met before irl) and talked about how his work on the soda machine inspired me to make my Twitch stream layout

I met Tom too but the less told about that encounter, the better.

Then this fucking Canadian and his two friends showed up and shoved a copy of Hannah Montana on me. @ninjamuffin99 @kawaisprite and this dangly fella by the name of phantoon's pharcade or something (cursory ng search says it was @phantomarcade but I don't believe it that guy only exists in collabs) just manifested in the office, the sky turned a pale grey (actually maybe it was always like that considering it was raining,) and they mentioned the Newgrounds Toronto Meetup which you should go do.

Yea did I mention they gave me a copy of Hannah Montana: Rock out the Show for the PSP? I don't know how they knew I have a PSP but yea that sure beats the hell out of any other competing rhythm game I've seen in the last few years, especially ones on New Grounds Dot Com.



I found two Chompy figures in the office. That's 2 more intact ones than I have. I really gotta make more of those sometime...

Okay so the actual meetup

Pelo and I drove on over to the convention center

Then we got rained on

Then we got lost

Then we found it!

I plopped Chompy down by the flag and met a bunch of people. You can check the other pages for pics but as a general rule I don't post pics of myself.

I finally met @DrewPBalls who's really fuckin awesome and he's been telling people about my stream so when I went there I was surprised there were a lot of NG'ers already familiar with me. He's genuinely the coolest dude and I made sure to spend much more time hanging with him the next day (cause day 1 was a bit of a clusterfuck, a fun clusterfuck, but anyways...)

I also met @Bacun who was Hardstyle™️

I saw @BrandyBuizel who at this point is like a recurring character in every distantly NG related adventure I have.

I walked past @MindChamber and didn't recognize him after pestering him for ages to come. I then was like OH SHIT IT'S MINDCHAMBER and yea now everyone knows MindChamber was there. It seems many new NG users don't know MC basically defined the NG style with his robot designs and redesigns of the original Pico's School chars. Man was literally making Pico 2. I know the "modern Pico style" is a bit different, but it's based on the one NG ran with from like the entirety of NG's run with the portal. So yea give him some love - he's an old dude who would just love to be sent a million DMs right this moment saying thanks. And fan art. Don't forget the NG bot and Alloy fanart.

Okay anyways

After the meetup we did a bit of lingerin'

Talked to a whole bunch of people. Anyone who knows me, knows I am god awful with faces and names (though not conversations, like, I remember those rather well.) Like straight up think I'm partially faceblind low key and ended up saying goodbye to the same people twice. So I'm gonna go off my "just followed you notifs" which say I met:

@tamag0 (who I just talked to on the discord, actually)












@MSGHero (who we didn't end up converting the meetup into an OpenFL dev conference with but we did get to harass for not using HaxeFlixel)

In most cases I actually think I do remember what we talked about, I'm just too shy to name anyone in case I get it wrong lol, but you're all cool and hmu c:

It's weird, I'm actually excellent with remembering facts of a conversation, but man, just not great with the names. In this case, actually, I think I remember people's faces really well this time around except for that time I kept mistaking @Droid for that Canadian.


Chompy got all signed up! Here are your long awaited "Chompy from every conceivable angle" pics as a follow up to this tweet that was taken at the event (these are taken at home) (edit: I had to post the same pic at the bottom cause apparently embeds only take the last pic as the thumbnail and I didn't want jollibee as my embed lol)






I brought a box of chompies cause' Drew wanted to get one, so I was like, might as well bring out the road trip adventure chompy who was with me for a flat tire to be the "NG Sketchbook Chompy"

It was really cool to have a unique lil reminder of the event, I couldn't have done shit without NG, and this Chompy's like a testament to that in a weird way


The next day Pelo and I went to Jollibee, which I've always wanted to go to. The lady working there saw us taking pictures with the bee and was laughing and I was "yea I came all the way from Boston for this and he came all the way from Mexico" and they were like "oh shit" and served us super fast despite there being a 30 minute order delay. The whole ass restaurant was coaching us through the Jollibee Experience.


It was some good ass chicken. I want more. They gotta bring that shit over here.

Anyways, the rest of the day was hanging out with Drew, Pelo, Bacun, and their friends it was all fun! I saw some retro games I haven't seen in ages and I really should spend some more time here next time around. Sadly, I just didn't have an airbnb booked for the night and told my loving family I'd be back Saturday night (5 1/2 hours of driving later) anyways. Ah well.

Anyways, gotta go eat, get groceries, and prepare for stream (gonna do a Sunday one for my side project.)

Seeya guys again soon 🦑|



Posted by squidly - May 10th, 2023


For those of you that missed it, my Ludum Dare 53 game, Bundle Beeline, was just released on Newgrounds yesterday!

There's a lot to unpack (heh) but I just wanna say this game was a labor of love, and honestly, it's insane it was done in 72 hours!

For me personally, my coding tracker says I put in 42 hours, which means quite literally 58% of my long weekend was coding including a 12 hour stream between Sunday and Monday.

Oh, yea, I streamed the whole thing. I stream every weekday, actually! At 6pm EST on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and 12pm EST on Friday (for timezone reference, this post was posted at 12pm EST.) You can check that out here. It's a good time! There's a huge emphasis on music and chilling and it's a good time to get your art and/or gamedev work done.

Some people ask how it is I can stream for 6+ hours on the regular doing gamedev, and to that I say... IndieLand prep was 13 hour streams on the regular for a week xD

Once you have good company, the hours really do fly by! And vibing with people at night has built many fond memories c:

Anyhow, for Bundle Beeline, it's interesting to see what just a day more of tweaks can do. Movement since the jam was updated heavily (you can see how bad it was if you toggle the LD53 version) with a ton of things being changed like more freedom of movement when landing/tossing and a control buffer as well as... Smash DI? Like when you get hit you can DI on every bounce... We eSports now.

And look, it paid off, that extra tweaking (really kinda hauled ass personally for that one to add in Medals/Highscores and such too after the jam along with all those tweaks) really let the game shine for how it was supposed to feel playing and helped push us to a shiny Daily Feature!


Anyhow, the team intends to keep plucking away at this game and expanding it. There was a ton we cut out like an item shop and the game was actually built to be a super arcadey n' bursty roguelike-like


As you can see here, the level is chunked out, similar to Renaine. Each of those pieces is swappable! You were actually originally meant to begin in the middle and move outwards to four quadrants (with 4 packages, the cut package's graphic you can see in the 4th package medal.)

We can also make the world a whole lot bigger, with more delivery locations than packages so you're always moving around. Thinking of slapping a 7 minute time limit so it's like a score rush as you come back to the post office to upgrade/buy more stuff to make runs interesting. It's very bite size, digestible, not many roguelike-likes like that nowadays!

Fun Fact: Did you know that Bundle's last name is Daintree? Yep! Daintree Delivery is a family company! Actually, her entire family is all in on the delivery business and her siblings/cousins help out delivering and managing too. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it to get people what they need! After all, the postal system is what keeps people together, especially when you live in an atompunk city where things are moving all the time!


Man... I really wanna see some Bundle fanart sometime...

Anyways, hope you're enjoying the game, and thanks for delivering with us!


Posted by squidly - September 26th, 2022


10 years ago this game hit Newgrounds

I feel like the years kinda just sneak up on you sometimes. To celebrate I'm streaming my attempts at opening up the game again and seeing what's up. Maybe I'll add a class if I can make it happen!


Come on in!!!

EDIT: I drew a celebration pic!


Posted by squidly - April 27th, 2021

Fetal Fury - You got 1 minute to blast through your insides in non-stop furious action. Kick your mom's ass and beg for forgiveness!

A game by me, @Spazkid, @JohnnyGuy, and @JohnnyUtah!

Basically a week ago I was feelin bummed out bout not releasing any games in a while, and Spazkid had just followed me after my NG Supporter tweet blew up, so I decided to hit em' up about doing a game. I really wanted to do a super Newgrounds-ey thing, like, something right outta the front page circa 2007. You know when Tom used to hire a bunch of guys to make games on NG and they pumped out the really high quality shit? And everyone was on super turbo mode outside of that too, just making classic after classic? Yea, that. I also wasn't feelin really challenged as a programmer recently, like, imo, after the last several years I firmly believe I've become a pretty frickin' competent 2D games programmer and I was like aight we can do whatever the fuck we want and I'll make it possible.

So we went ham.


Like, really. Honestly I wasn't sold on this idea. I thought people were gonna judge me cause, yanno, I've been workin on Renaine for four years and it's very much not this. Renaine is very much E10+ while this is very much T/M rated, yanno? I'm not Edmund McMillen with no restraints. I'm stupidly unapologetically leftist and I know a lotta people are gonna look at me a bit different after this. Uh, hope I don't get cancelled for this in a couple years or somethin. It's really not that bad.

But anyways, yea, we did this game. It's pretty inappropriate. And it's also really frickin' hilarious.

It REALLY took a lot outta us. Yanno, Spazkid is like, on this shit sunrise to sunset straight. I haven't been on that mode since PAX East's/other events where I gotta clean up a demo. He was tellin me about how much he does for Nightmare Cops and how many animations don't/can't see the light of day and I was tellin him about how much I'm gonna basically not make that happen here.

I went HARD.


I am fasting for Ramadan, man, sunrise to sunset it's no food no water, and I'm out here putting in 32 hours of programming over the last 3 days (I wasn't able to work most of Saturday or else it'd have been even higher) including practically 24 hours straight between Saturday and Sunday. I had a 6 1/2 hour stream that went until 3am and I thought I was done, man, but I wasn't. I just ate before sunrise, took a 4 hour nap, and got right back into it working my ass off until 9pm (jam deadline,) then working an extra hour 1/2 setting up the submission page and this swanky ass trailer. Like 50% of the game was done between Saturday Night/Sunday. All the sound effects programming took like 1 hour of furious implementation. Spaz sent me the ghost enemy as, like, something for the NG version down the line but 4 hours before launch I just went hard and I added it in 30 minutes. I was frickin' wildin, man. This entire time I'm out here coaching people on game jamming, too, like, this is Spaz's first jam, never used Aseprite, he learned quick but yea. Meanwhile I'm sending lines to JohnnyGuy and talkin' bout tiles with Johnny Jeff and basically was a producer for this whole thing on top of that programming. Brutal lol.

I made this trailer just on some serious exhaustion-hyper-focus thing. Also 30 minutes. Just pure condensed "what did I learn in the last 4 years of doin this PR shit for Renaine"-level distillation. I was going HARD.

Anyways, we didn't release this on NG yet cause we wanna actually polish it up. Maybe call it Fetal Fury Redux or something. Oh, about that name. Spaz was sending me files with the words Midwomb Massacre and I was like, yanno, I'm still pretty iffy on this whole thing, let's not go for that. So I was thinking of Fatal Fury and, yea, Fetal Fury was born. It's a very arcade-ey game so it fits.

Anyways, yea, I made a video game finally. After, like, 3 years since my last jam or so. And my first non-pixel art game in literally forever. I hope when we finish this game, it'll really be able to rep the classic NG scene, really be a blast to the past for some people and a return to form. It's kinda weird saying that because, well, I was never really a part of that, right? I wasn't a famous flash creator. My only decently sized game was Second Wind. I honestly do feel like I missed out, I mean, I'm 26 now. When's the last time I contributed anything worth giving a damn to NG? When I was, like, 18? I hope this fixes that. Sorta.

Anyways, enough rambling, for this moment, it just feels good to get something out there.

Hope you guys enjoy and keep kickin ass c:

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