SKQ? Forget about it. Renaine is live on Kickstarter :D
We would appreciate your support!
Age 30
We Don't Need No Education
Luncheon Kingdom
Joined on 2/16/07
Posted by squidly - September 23rd, 2017
SKQ? Forget about it. Renaine is live on Kickstarter :D
We would appreciate your support!
ah dangit KS doesn't accept Paypal, I'll find a way and pledge tho, the game looks fantastic, and the new name is cool!
I am backer 21 (game tier). Also tweeted my support
All the best for a successful campaign.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Real shame this thing didn't get funded via the fans, in the perk-allowing way... though hope development's still going strong? Last update sounded promising.
April 5th we try again, check the twitter or our discord for updates, we've been working at this a whole lot!
Oh cool, I'll be waiting! Not so active anywhere else but if there's a newspost here I'll see it. ;)
Yea I try to save my news posts for the big announcement :(
The 14-day-limited frontpage ones I guess? Sounds good. I's eyes peeled already. :)
April 4th?! Ugh... so I need to figure out what the password to my Kickstarter account is again? Can't I just Paypal you a tier's worth of money and wait two years for you to toss me a soundtrack, a Steam key, and a cute photo of you holding a puppy?
Looks like you didn't even need a new FP post to get it backed this time! :D Impressive response, and looks it's almost way past the stretch goals already...
Hyped to play this when it comes out!
There ya go. I'm sorry I can only pledge at the game tier right now. Normally, I can afford to go for the musical tier of a game project.
Dude. Thank you so much for the donation. Game tier is more than enough, every dollar means a lot, even a share :p